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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sports Car Insurance - Tips to Protect Your Car, Lower Your Insurance Rates, and Get the Best Deal

Sports car insurance rates can be higher than the monthly car payments. But if you drive a sports automobile or a vintage vehicle you really need to protect your car by getting good auto insurance.

Insurance does fall into the I know I need it, but I hate to deal with it category. Yet, you still need to get good insurance for your sports car because in many states it is the law, but you still need to find a way to save money on your insurance premiums. So here are some tips to helps you answer the question: how to get affordable coverage if you have a sports car.

These tips help you save money on your insurance for your car even if you are still only shopping for insurance because you are thinking of buying a fast car.

Tip number one to help you be sure your are getting a good rate on your car insurance: You must have good credit. Insurance premiums are made much higher with poor credit. If you have good credit it will lower your car insurance premiums.

Tip number two is a Warning. If you are shopping for insurance you need to ask if when they run your rate quote if it will affect your credit. This tip can not be over emphasized because if your credit gets too many inquiries it will negatively impact your credit score and cause your insurance premiums to be higher.

Tip number three. If you want to lower your vehicle insurance rates then lower the miles you drive. Insurance is based on exposure and the less you drive your car then many insurance companies will lower your automobile insurance because of lower exposure.

These 3 tips will help you get good insurance for your sports car. So when you find insurance companies who specialize in sports car polices be sure you are ready to save money on your sports car insurance premiums by applying what you now know.

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Sports Cars